- בלבבי ה_עמוד א_ההקדמה של המחבר
001 Author's Intro
- בלבבי ה_עמוד א_ההקדמה של המחבר
Bilvavi Part 5 - 001 Author's Intro
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- שלח דף במייל
In this section, we will discuss the ways of how to serve Hashem, and it is an internal process of clarification of what Avodas Hashem is. However, one should not attempt to work on any of these matters immediately after reading about them. First a person should read about these matters a few times, and after you see the general picture of all that’s going over here, you can then try to apply them practically; there is an order of what to work on first, and we will list them.
1. Remembering Hashem throughout the day, simply. This is not explained in this sefer; this sefer begins with the step after this, which is emunah.[1]
2. Emunah. We will explain how we work on this in the chapter about emunah.
3. Tefillah. We will explain how we work on this in the chapter about tefillah.
4. Fear of Hashem.
5. Conditional love towards Hashem, which we will explain about in the chapter “Loving Hashem and Feeling His Love Toward Us.”
6. A ratzon (will) to become close to Hashem, which we will explain in the chapter entitled “Fundamentals in Avodas Hashem.”
7. Having a palpable sense of Hashem, which will be discussed in the chapter about loving Hashem.
8. Unconditional love towards Hashem, which we will explain about in the chapter about loving Hashem.
9. Working on our middos, which will be discussed in the chapter “Talking to Hashem About Our Bad Middos”.
10. Lishmah, which we will discuss in the chapter “Fundamentals in Avodas Hashem.”
First one should read about these matters and give order to them, clarifying them internally. Only after that should one actually begin to work on any of these areas.
The truth is that the order we have given is not concrete for everyone, and it depends on each person. It is only one of the ways to take. Therefore, the main thing is to first know these matters very well, and then one should ask advice from a true Talmid Chochom who can show him the proper way that is meant for him. For this reason, we are not placing much emphasis on the order here we have given, but rather on the content inside these words. Although this sefer has been written according to this order, it is not the concrete order for everyone, as we said.
NOTE: Final english versions are only found in the Rav's printed seforim »