- להאזנה דרשות 009 הצורך במוסר לעומק תשסז
The Need for Mussar in Depth
- להאזנה דרשות 009 הצורך במוסר לעומק תשסז
Droshos - The Need for Mussar in Depth
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- שלח דף במייל
We are familiar with the concepts of Iyun (in-depth) and Bekius (learning for breadth of knowledge) in Gemara, and these methods exist in Mussar as well.
The Mesillas Yesharim writes that regrettably, the intelligent people do not apply their wisdom to the study of the Mussar. There is great depth there, and there are many commentaries, as with Gemara. We will try to explain the concept of Mussar in depth.
In fact, very few people appreciate the depth of Mussar. The Alter of Kelm wrote a book called Chochmah U'Mussar (wisdom and Mussar) because the two concepts are related. Likewise, he said that Mussar study requires three factors, and one of them is clear thinking.
Here is an example of a profound concept learned from a careful study of Mussar: Chazal teach us that the reason to be compassionate is not that it is a good trait, but that it is a trait ascribed to Hashem. We are considered Hashem's children, and we are to emulate our Father through His traits.
If we do not perfect our traits, our Torah is lacking, because Torah is supposed to bond us with Hashem, but traits that are different from the Divine traits prevent us from bonding with Him. The Gr"a writes that life is worthless if one does not work to perfect his traits. Even if he is learning Torah, the Torah will not have the desired effect.
If one learns Mussar in depth, if he finds that he lacks compassion, when he works to correct it, he will realize that he is not just improving his character, but rectifying his Torah study. The character improvement is part of his Torah study. With this perspective, it becomes more important to the person, since he knows that Torah study is so important.
Torah needs a proper receptacle so that one may receive it. Otherwise, it will not be absorbed within him. We must abandon the thoughtless habit of thinking that Mussar is separate from Torah.
We must realize that all of life relates to Mussar. Rav Eliyahu Lopian said that a half hour of Mussar is a minimum, and the maximum is two hours. What can one do for two hours? With the Ramchal's works, though, it is clear. The Mesillas Yesharim is a summary of all the Ramchal's deeper sefarim, such as Derech Hashem and Da'as Tevunos and one can spend much time with these sefarim as part of the Mussar study. These sefarim are vital for a true deep perspective on life, and they relate very much to the practical guidance found in Mesillas Yesharim.
If we are to attain a clear perspective in life, we must study Mussar in depth.
NOTE: Final english versions are only found in the Rav's printed seforim »